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Home > Drainsolve > Drain Clearance Devon

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Home Blocked Drains Drain Repair Pitch Fibre Pipework Drain Surveys Burst Pipes Contact Us
Micro Digger
What tools would we use to solve your Pitch Fibre problem?

There are a range of tools that can be used to remove Pitch Fibre Pipework, the choice for us would be the Micro-digger.

The Micro-digger is an important piece of machinery that is used as it is small enough to fit through a standard house doorway. This makes it more beneficial for smaller repairs in back gardens. If you believe your property or future property has pitch fibre pipework feel free to contact us. We can advise you on anything to do with the service we would carry out on removing your Pitch Fibre Pipework or any other service you may be looking for.
Get in touch on 01395 579 779 to find out more about our Pitch Fibre Pipe work.
  Drain Clearance Devon
Blocked Drains
Drain Repairs
Drain Surveys
Burst Pipes
Contact Us
12 Cotford Road
EX10 0SG

Call us on | 01395 579779

Mobile | 07831 630364

or email us on | info@drainsolve.co.uk

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